Welcome to the 62nd St. Mary's Turkey Dinner....
Meal tickets are PRE SALE ONLY. Meal tickets are $12 each.
Prize tickets are 5 for $20
Need not be present to win. Click here to view the list of prizes.
It’s once again time for the St. Mary’s Turkey Dinner. The Raffle Committee members are currently collecting various prizes for the raffle as well as contributions of $100 or more that will go toward the major prize giveaways. It’s hard to believe Turkey Dinner is next month, so please bring in your donations as soon as possible. We hope to count on your continued support in making this another successful raffle! If you have any questions, please contact Heather Weber 512-749-6648
The Annual St. Mary’s Turkey Dinner is celebrating its 62nd year. This event is a long- standing tradition in our church and school community. Generations of devoted families have invested time and energy to develop this fundraiser into an enjoyable festival with delicious food and wonderful fellowship. We will offer drive-thru, walk-up to-go, and inside dining in the Holy Family Center. Paddle wheel and kid’s carnival will round out the day of food, fellowship, and fun. You may purchase meal and/or raffle tickets in the school office, church office, or from student sellers during the week or after Masses.
Due to rising costs, we are hoping to cover Turkey Dinner expenses with sponsorships. We look to you—our parishioners, friends, and families—to help support us as we strive to continue this long-standing tradition.
If you are able to contribute, please fill out the information below and return this form to the St. Mary’s school office or mail to St. Mary’s Catholic School, Attn: Director of Development, 202 S. Orange St., Fredericksburg, TX 78624. If unable to contribute, we deeply appreciate your prayers for a successful event.