Remember What It Felt Like To Be New??
You may have had questions, been unsure of requirements and just needed a friend to feel welcome.
Welcoming the whole family, not just the new student, is a priority to us. We know that coming to a new school can sometimes be overwhelming for everyone. To make the experience easier, we have created a New Family Mentoring Program to assist our new families’ navigation of our school community.
We have families who have been at SMS for a few years, which means they have been here long enough to be familiar but still remember those first year uncertainties. They are willing to share their knowledge and make new parents and their children feel welcome. Mentor families are asked to call new families on a regular basis to touch base, answer questions that arise and attend a Welcome Back Pep Rally at the end of summer. You might make new, lifelong friends, and of course, you will share the wonderful warmth of the St. Mary’s family.
We assign families with consideration to grades/ages, etc. to make a valuable experience for everyone. We want to ensure our new families and students feel part of the St. Mary’s community immediately, and we are asking YOU to be part of the Mentor program to do just that.
If you are a new family with questions or a returning family wanting to help others, please submit your information on this page, call the school office for information (830) 997-3914 or email Kaitlyn Burg at [email protected] to be matched as a mentor or new family.
Thank you to our New Family Mentors. Your help is invaluable to our new families.