Each class visits the library once a week. When the library is not in use by a class, students may stop by with teacher permission to return and check out books or take AR quizzes.
Kindergarteners may check out one book at a time. Students in 1st through 8th grades may check out two books at a time. The customary checkout time is one to two weeks. There are no fines for overdue books. However, if a student needs to keep a book for a longer period of time to complete a project, book report, etc., he or she is encouraged to let the librarian know.
Lost or severely damaged books must be paid for in the school office before more books may be checked out. See the librarian for replacement costs.
Accelerated Reader Program
All 1st through 8th graders participate in the Accelerated Reader (AR) program. The individualized program is designed to help students progress in their reading skills throughout their time at St. Mary's. Students read books within their current reading range and take a quiz on each book. Teachers are able to track reading progress using the quiz results. Reading levels are assessed at multiple times throughout the year, and students are always excited to see their levels increase.
The AR program is useful in that the student, teacher, and librarian are able to work together to make sure each child is selecting books on the appropriate reading level. Quiz results also help teachers ensure their students are mastering reading comprehension before moving on to more challenging books.
The Million Word Wall
St. Mary's Apaches are very competitive, even in the library! The AR program keeps track of the number of words read in every book students take a quiz on. Our Million Word Wall is updated weekly with word counts. Reaching a million words is a big deal for our Apaches! Million Word readers are recognized at the academic award ceremonies at the end of the year with medals and a special T-shirt.